Poob Wax Casting

  • Poob Wax Casting Parts

    Poob Wax Casting Parts

    Poob ciab casting yog txheej txheem casting uas siv cov qauv siv quav ciab los tsim cov pwm pwm los tsim ib feem lossis cov khoom tsim.Nws tau paub ntau xyoo dhau los ua qhov poob ciab lossis precision casting vim nws qhov tseeb hauv kev tsim cov khoom siv nrog cov kev ua siab ntev.Hauv kev siv niaj hnub no, poob ciab casting yog hu ua peev casting.
    Cov txheej txheem uas ua rau poob ciab casting tsis zoo li lwm txoj kev casting yog siv cov qauv siv quav ciab los tsim cov pwm thawj zaug, uas tuaj yeem muaj cov qauv zoo nkauj thiab nyuaj.
    Qhov poob ciab casting txheej txheem raws li hauv qab no:
    Creation of the Die → Die Tsim cov qauv siv quav ciab → Tsob ntoo ntoo → Plhaub tsev (Ceramic Coated Wax Pattern) → Dewaxing → Burnout → Casting → Knock Out, Divesting, los yog Tu → Txiav → Txhaj tshuaj los yog xuab zeb blasting →
    kho saum npoo